Central Maryland Rail System, Inc.     |   home
Commodities   |   Intermodal Business Unit   |   Government Operations Division
Products carried/delivered
84 Lumber SystemsBuilding supplies, lumber
Cargill Int'lGrains, meals
Purdue FarmsPoultry, meals
Embassy DairiesDairy Products
PEPCOFossil Fuels, petrolium products
SMECOFossil Fuels, petrolium products
Waste Management SystemsSolid waste, liquid waste
Delaware PowerFossil fuels, petrolium products
Cheney Enterprisesnon-metalic minerals, lightweight aggregates
S.C. Johnson & SonChemicals, phosphates
Seagrams BreweryConsumables
The Home DepotBuilding Supplies
Lehigh Portland CementCement, lightweight aggregates

The Central Maryland Rail System has alliances with thirteen MAJOR customers (as listed above). As well, we provide the same quality of service and committment to over one hundred-fifty independent partners. In 2001, MDRail helped to develop seven new independent partners.

There are currently 22 developed and 37 undeveloped industrial sites located along the MDRail system. Our Business development Team is anxious to assist anyone interested in establishing a presence in the third largest consumer market in the United states.