Central Maryland Rail System, Inc.     |   home
Research & Development, and Maintenance
MDRailShops, Inc. (MDRX) is the Central Maryuland Rail Systems's complete maintenance and overhaul provider, as well as a major player in rail related research and development. Headquartered at Winan's Cove (Baltimore), MD, MDRX has facilities for engine maintnenace, car repair and R&D engineering.

Engine facilities are located at:
Waldorf, MD (HQ facility), Winan's Cove, MD, Hagerstown, MD (old WM yard), Wilmington, DE, Potomac Yard, VA, and Richmond, VA.

Car Repair facilities are located at:
Waldorf, MD (HQ facility), Winan's Cove, MD, Hagerstown, MD (old WM yard), Wilmington, DE, Potomac Yard, VA, and Richmond, VA.

Research & Development engineering facilities are located at Winan's Cove, MD.

MDRX also provides contracted services to other carriers in the areas of maintenance, power conversions, and car repairs. Our shops are state-of-the-art and equipped to handle any need that may arise.

For more information, contact MDRailshops directly.

The link above will take you to a schematic drawing of the engine maintenance facility located at MDRail Headquarters at Waldorf, MD on the Indian Head Extension.